A fine miniature and a fine birthday present!
[16:51]DarkDouche: cheater
[16:51]phorku: bullshit
[16:52]phorku: what you cant see a mate in one how did you get 1290
[16:52]phorku: or 60
[16:52]phorku: you should be 800
[16:53]phorku: I play f7 attacks all the time. weakest square on the board. junior
[16:55]phorku: or check out my blog, 5000+ tactical problems
[16:55]phorku: maybe you should try it,
[17:02]DarkDouche: go, bother someone else pleas.
[17:02]phorku: whatever, learn some sportsmanship
[17:02]DarkDouche: kid, shut up.
[17:03]phorku: i'm 41 massengil
[17:03]DarkDouche: but behavin' like 13.
[17:03]phorku: no thats you
[17:03]DarkDouche: sure, think what u want.
[17:03]DarkDouche: but would you KINDLY shut up now?
[17:04]phorku: youre the one still talking, you have a projection problem