phorku's chess blog

Thursday, October 11, 2007

phorku 5 - club 0

Had another win at the club championships Tuesday. Pairings are all screwed up and I ended up playing someone I already played. It was a tough game Bishop's vs the French. Dumb I know but I have a lot of success with it. I get a passed pawn in the early middle game and did everything in my power to hang on to it looking for opportunities for good trades to get to a winning endgame.

There was a lot of pressure on both sides throughout the game and I used a new found general principle to stay alive. Trade off your opponents most active piece(s).

We ended up in an even rook and pawn endgame except I already had one protected passer. I manuevered my K and R to prevent any meaningful penetration. Spent mor time on the endgame than opening and middle combined. Anyway he couldn't defend against the passer and prevent my king from penetrating. I abandoned my passed pawn so I could eat up his kingside pawns and win the q race.


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